
Fascia informed bodywork works with holds, and gentle compression into our connective tissue layers to release physical adhesions and stuck energies trapped in the body. It also supports the nervous system encouraging a sense of safety and resource to experience embodiment and release stress.

It is a multi dimensional practice incorporating the physical, mental, and energetic layers of being.

Uma’s offerings

fascial informed bodywork

Fascial informed body work incoporates fascial holds, gentle adjustments, compression, rebounding, unwinding, and releasing scar tissue.

While these are applied on the whole body, they can also focus on the head, spine, sacrum and coccyx to work directly with the nervous system to support release.

scar tissue release

Scar tissue created by internal adhesions, surgery, impacts and other body traumas can cause pain, inflammation and reduced mobility caused by adhesion in the tissues. Scar tissues can be reintegrated back into the fascial web using fascial release techniques.

This can reduce pain and inflammation, supporting the body’s healing, balance, and overall well-being.

nervous system reset

After experiences of trauma or prolonged tension, the body’s nervous system can become dysregulated. This can block our pathways to embodiment and healing, as aspects of our nervous system are often compressed, or trapped in old experiences.

Bodywork can facilitate a nervous system resetting, to release and rebalance, to create more body awareness, grounding, and integration.

Contact me

Book an appointment, or simply enquire about your treatment.